About Me

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The world is such a big dimension for a little fellow like me. A girl who's happiness happens to be just an acceptable member of such an immense cycle of life. Adventure is the best thing she could think of; but what's funny about her is that she's afraid of heights! Although, she tries her best to excel in everything she does. A simple girl with a big heart. Well, what could I say? That's me!!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Last Rose Part 2

I was startled. It’s not funny to receive a flash break of awful news. I ran to my room and cried. Why I cried? Because I didn’t want to leave my family behind! Just for this search of greener pasture? It is such a ridiculous and selfish act of greediness. Ever since, I never had imagined that my own dad would arrive at this kind of cruel and inhumane decision. But I can’t fail him. He has been that strict and autocrat towards me.

After which, I did everything my father wanted me to do. I moved forward and never turned back…For few years, I’ve told myself not to enter on that house again. I’ve traveled few miles and still the shadow of my past still haunts me. I’ve become for what I should be now. I ate all the pains and sorrows and swallowed them alive. I barely faced them and never regretted. I admit that I hate my father too much, too much to bear and too much to forget. I can feel the line of waters passing my cheeks. I knew that I’m strong. I’m tough and I’m hard. I don’t get this soft part on my heart. I’ve killed that girl already. But still she’s insisting to find her way back. 

I’ve found myself back when the woman called my name.
Marie.” I stood up and approached the coffin and then I saw him. His stern face, those twisted lips and the face which I hated so much for my life. I looked at him for a single moment, for donkey’s years, I’ve never forget that horrible look. That look that makes me trembles so much and always ends into a simple curse. I closed my eyes and touched myself and evaluated it thoroughly. I waited for how many minutes but it’s empty. I sit back and the woman told me.
Your father loved you dear.” I sighed.
He’s not your biological father. He just saw you in a meadow crying amidst a heavy rain one night. He brought you but his wife doesn’t like you at all but he successfully prevailed. Your toddler years were really a hard time for him. And through his gracious efforts, his wife started to love and accept that little girl. It was a perfect and happy family until we came and claimed you back. It hurts but he let you go. For he knew, you’re not his and will never be. Knowingly, the disease he had been hiding before, blow by blow ruined his body until he died. He’s afraid to confront you for he doesn’t want you to be disturbed...”

I heard dominant mourning volts of thunder. Its striking my ears hard. I can’t carry it for it is so powerful. I felt hot aggressive waters rushing. The coffin was about to be brought down. They’ve thrown their roses and utter their last words. They looked at me. I stepped forward, now I know why, I’ve answered all my questions sleeping before me. I loved him and I’ve forgiven him. The girl came back again. And I welcome her as I threw my last rose…Bye…

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